Metaphysical and Metatronic Ascension Portals
Thats quite a fancy name, but, for the time being, I can't think what else to call them...answers on a postcard please....!!!
Metatrons cube, the Platonic solids and really any sacred geometric shape have always had a draw for me so, as my jewellery skills have been developing over the last few months, I have been creating these miniature Light Temples (another fancy name...) which can be placed on our chakra points for quite a potent energy connection/clearance/balance/recharge.
The one pictured above, has six amethyst cabochons surrounding a Brandenburgh amethyst in the central position, set in silver.
The Star of David is a two dimensional representation of the 3 dimensional star tetrahedron, sometimes known as the Merkabah, our Light Chariot or Ascension vehicle