Sunday, 30 November 2008

One of the most creative energies that can serve Humanity at this time is that of Acceptance.
By fully accepting that we are the path, all challenges that the world and its occupants face will dissolve as these challenges become acceptable. This is also the energy of Love. When faced with terrorist attacks in Mumbai, financial markets collapse, deflation, pirates of the Indian Ocean, global warming and child abuse to name but a few, Humanitys reaction is generally and understandably one of fear. This fear arises from a lack of acceptance, but not so much a lack of acceptance of the challenge itself but more from a lack of acceptance of ones own ability to be the path rather than travelling along one or perhaps travelling along someone elses.
The result of reading of these atrocities in the newspapers and seeing or hearing them in the news, sometimes results in a mass consciousness of fear and anger. My feeling is that when we judge anothers action, we are not accepting ourselves. Who is responsible ? The perpetrator or the victim. Whom should we judge ? Perhaps we should judge neither so we are not projecting our own shortcomings onto them.
Perhaps we should send Love and Light and Blessings to all sides of a conflict, without judgement, unconditionally.
When we feel angry and fearful, maybe we should go within and ask ourselves.... why ? What part of the challenge in the world is being perpetrated by us ? By falling into the illusion of fear and anger we are perpetrating more fear and anger which is being transmitted around the Globe, resulting in more challenges being manifested, separating ourselves from the reality that is Love.
Sending Love and Blessings, Joy and Peace, Balance and Harmony to all Beings !
Cosmo Verner

Saturday, 29 November 2008

The mineral kingdom and the human kingdom have been working closely together for thousands of years, on many levels. The resulting synthesis could be seen to represent the evolvement of humanity from 3rd dimensional beings into 4th, 5th and higher dimensions, through the perfection of that which is the crystalline structure. As humanity ascends so does the planet. Crystals and solar beings (our higher selves) are both the concretised formation of divine will representing the energies of the theosophical ideas of the 1st ray of will and power combining with the 7th ray of ceremonial order and magic that is the incoming and prevailing energy of the New Age. They both embody the solid form and the etheric form, the light and dark, the lower and higher.

Minerals and crystals hold within them the capacity for the storage of vast amounts of memory within their perfect crystalline structure. It is the discovery of this ability by modern science that places the silicon chip, as one of the most efficient semi conductors, and many other crystals, within all our modern technology. Quartz is silicon dioxide and, with the correct programming can be directed to interact with the human energy field that are the chakras and subtle bodies that go to make up what is commonly known as the aura. Energy, of which memory is a part, radiates out, sustaining and vitalising elements, from which, other forms draw their sustenance. Using our loving intent we can influence the energies of the human energy field, indeed the energy fields of all beings, to help balance the chakras and subtle bodies, enabling connection with a higher vibration. It is, with continued contact with our higher selves, possible to transcend the energy of fear that is illusion, transmuting pain into joy and fear into love.

We can see this quite clearly when we contemplate the relationship and evolution of minerals and the earth, supplying energy and nutrients to plants and vegetables, supplying energy and nutrients to animals and humans supplying energy and contact with our higher selves, our monad and the 352 levels that is the mahatma, to God and our source of Light.
When practising crystal energy therapy, the energy or beneficial radiation of crystals and minerals can be seen to react with the energy or radiation of the human being. If planet earth is to be seen as a school, where, prior to incarnation, our higher selves agree to transmit certain energies in order to receive or manifest certain experiences, then, through contact with our higher selves we can ascertain which frequencies are most beneficial in raising our awareness of the lessons that we have agreed to process. By placing specific energies on specific energy points on the human body, long held beliefs leading to ailments, illnesses, grief, self sacrificing habits, addictions and emotional and mental traumas can help to raise ones awareness of the corresponding joy that is hidden within seemingly dark place that is the affliction.

Friday, 28 November 2008

We have a meditation group that meet twice a week (Tuesday at 12.00 & Thursday at 7pm - all are welcome - donation only) Last night we visited the energies of The Andromadean Star Council of Light with some metaphysical preparation work, what a gorgeous energy !

Here is a little more information on the beautiful energy that is Aquamarine !

As the planetary energies are ever increasing in speed and velocity, we are being guided to release that which does not serve our return to Light. On a global scale the relentless extraction of oil, climate change, challenging weather and the current difficulties in the financial markets are a good indicator that on a Higher level the Universe is orchestrating a release from this kind of old Piscean energy. As the banking institutions are understanding that their level of exposure is compromised by the complexity of their derivative trades, we, as humans, can begin to understand how by releasing our own complexities, we can realign with a Higher energy.

One of the most useful frequencies received and transmitted is the positive radio activity of the mineral Aquamarine which belongs to the beryl group. Its crystal system is hexagonal and traces of iron give it a blue/green look hence the name. Other beryl’s include emerald, morganite and heliodor (yellow/green) and are found all over the world including America, Brazil, Australia, Africa, India, Ireland, Mexico, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Russia. Perhaps when contemplating some of the challenges faced by these countries, tuning into aquamarine and sending loving energies, magnified by these stones would benefit communities in these regions.

Aquamarine can be used as a reminder that by clearing out all our physical baggage stuffed in our attics, garages, cellars and homes, we create clear channels of light within our silicon crystals (quartz) that are our homes. We can then release physical, emotional and mental baggage as well, that so often serve to keep us stuck with old memories generated by our attachment to the past. Aquamarine is one of the foremost stones of communication, and its energy is often used to interact with the frequency being transmitted from the throat and heart centres for both self awareness and communication with the Divine Feminine. It can also be used to harmonise the pituitary gland (third eye) with the thyroid (throat) balancing the hormones. Used with Larimar from the Dominican Republic it can facilitate connection with the ancient knowledge represented by dolphins ability to communicate through holographic thought forms, piggy backing onto sound waves, and then radio waves which is exactly how modern technology transmits television and radio. By transmitting holographic thought forms through visualisations, we can perhaps understand how these transmissions create the reality we then experience.

In the 14th century aquamarine was placed in a mortar and crushed into a very fine powder which was then used as an effective treatment of injuries to the eyeball. An elixir of aquamarine was also said to cure hiccups ! Crystal elixirs are still recommended today can be easily created by dropping tumble stones into bottles of mineral water.

So, if you want to clear out the mind, clear out the attic, clean the house, and release anything you don’t need . Take all the books to the library and if you want to read them again you know where they are !

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Another beautiful day on this paradise that is Planet Earth.........

Over a quarter of our planet is made up of silicon, a wonderful mineral used as a semi conductor of light energy in the form of silicon chips in all our modern technology. Whenever we go to a sandy beach, look through a glass window, visit a peaceful church or switch on our computer, we are experiencing the energy of silicon dioxide or quartz as it is more commonly known.

When we use quartz within our energy field, with intent, we can extract negative energies, input positive ones, break up stagnancy, and help magnify the root causes of ailments and disease. At this time of planet earths accelerated evolution, quartz is one of the key tools to aid in the healing, balancing and strengthening of the etheric field. This field is a fine matrix of light energy surrounding and permeating our physical body. If we find it difficult being grounded into this 3rd dimensional reality, it could be that we have a blockage within our energy field preventing us being pure conduits of Light ( Love). With crystal energy therapy, the first place we look for these kinds of blocks are within the etheric field. As we begin to channel more Light, through this relentless acceleration of planetary energies, any blockages will be increasingly difficult to ignore. Like any electrical circuit, if Light (or electricity, for it is the same) cannot be grounded then it can cause a short circuit in the form of a tear or blockage in the etheric . This in turn can result in physical difficulties and cause us to give our power away…literally and metaphorically…. By using a pendulum to dowse and locate these tears, we can extract any negatives energies with candle quartz, input positive ones with clear quartz and stitch up the tears using a laser quartz point. In this way we can strengthen the etheric before continuing with balancing the rest of the energy vortices and corresponding subtle bodies.

We can also magnify our intent and manifestations by ‘programming’ quartz. By sitting and meditating with a piece of quartz and having a clear vision of what we want to manifest and holding that vision within the quartz, we can magnify the frequencies required for successful co creation. Quartz can also be used to increase the power of the frequency of any other crystal.

One of the main uses of quartz is in building materials so many of the houses we live in are silicon based. It could be said that many of us live in large man made crystals, receiving and transmitting light energy. Good examples of these are churches and cathedrals. Flint is predominately silicon, as is sand, with limestone and sandstone having much silicon too. With their towering spires and buttresses they are magnificent semi conductors of Light energy, hence their amazing ability to receive and transmit Light, with the aid of Humanity, throughout the planet along the transmission (ley) lines as well as grounding this Light into the centre of the planet.

Have a beautiful Day !

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Rose Quartz

As our Gorgeous Planet continues to be bombarded with the most amazing Love energy, Rose quartz, being the crystal of unconditional Love, not just for friends, family and children, but for humanity as a whole, is a reminder that we are all connected. This Love energy also connects us to the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms, the earth and the entire universe. It is a reflection of the Universe’s Love for us all and reminds us that we are all part of the whole, the oneness. The frequency of this stone interacts with the frequency of the human energy field, releasing any deeply held feelings of distrust and enabling the transmission of a more loving and compassionate vibration. This transmission then directly affects the inevitable reception of Joy, promoting an experience of Love energy.

Rose quartz activates the heart chakra and also opens the nurturing connections between the human heart, the earth’s heart and the heart of the universe helping us to feel whole, perfect and complete. The energy of Rose Quartz helps dissolve any feelings of separation or mistrust. When we release negative emotions or any feelings and relationships that no longer serve our highest and best good, we become clearer channels of light which enables us to raise our energy vibration and the vibration of the planet as a whole.

The energy of Rose Quartz helps release tension and stress as it calms and cleanses the auric field and subtle bodies. Its Love vibrations enable human cells to be reprogrammed with joy and happiness and may be programmed to help clear toxins in the cells of the body and to promote the release of impurities. It has been used in the treatment of vertigo and can help with disorders of the kidneys and adrenal glands. As an elixir (imbibing the energy of water with rose quartz), it can be used to clear the complexion and soften the skin. Why not pop a rose quartz tumble into your bottle of mineral water ?

Gridding ones office or work place with rose quartz (placing a small piece in each corner of the office and visualising a beam of light between them) may help bond its occupants together, creating a loving and cooperative work environment.. Gridding ones bedroom or house with rose quartz will help create a loving and harmonious atmosphere.

When combined with Moldavite, rose quartz can effect spiritual transformation and as we evolve, our energetic centre moves from the solar plexus centre to the heart chakra (we shift from being will based to love focused). We can then maximise the Hearts’ potential as the strongest generator of light in the body. Combining rose quartz with a grounding stone such as black tourmaline helps us to anchor divine love onto earth for the benefit of the whole.

Next time you have a bath, why not place a few pieces of Rose Quartz in it, visualising the bath water as a nurturing and Loving elixir, sparkling the human body with an energy of Harmony and Light.