Thursday, 27 November 2008

Another beautiful day on this paradise that is Planet Earth.........

Over a quarter of our planet is made up of silicon, a wonderful mineral used as a semi conductor of light energy in the form of silicon chips in all our modern technology. Whenever we go to a sandy beach, look through a glass window, visit a peaceful church or switch on our computer, we are experiencing the energy of silicon dioxide or quartz as it is more commonly known.

When we use quartz within our energy field, with intent, we can extract negative energies, input positive ones, break up stagnancy, and help magnify the root causes of ailments and disease. At this time of planet earths accelerated evolution, quartz is one of the key tools to aid in the healing, balancing and strengthening of the etheric field. This field is a fine matrix of light energy surrounding and permeating our physical body. If we find it difficult being grounded into this 3rd dimensional reality, it could be that we have a blockage within our energy field preventing us being pure conduits of Light ( Love). With crystal energy therapy, the first place we look for these kinds of blocks are within the etheric field. As we begin to channel more Light, through this relentless acceleration of planetary energies, any blockages will be increasingly difficult to ignore. Like any electrical circuit, if Light (or electricity, for it is the same) cannot be grounded then it can cause a short circuit in the form of a tear or blockage in the etheric . This in turn can result in physical difficulties and cause us to give our power away…literally and metaphorically…. By using a pendulum to dowse and locate these tears, we can extract any negatives energies with candle quartz, input positive ones with clear quartz and stitch up the tears using a laser quartz point. In this way we can strengthen the etheric before continuing with balancing the rest of the energy vortices and corresponding subtle bodies.

We can also magnify our intent and manifestations by ‘programming’ quartz. By sitting and meditating with a piece of quartz and having a clear vision of what we want to manifest and holding that vision within the quartz, we can magnify the frequencies required for successful co creation. Quartz can also be used to increase the power of the frequency of any other crystal.

One of the main uses of quartz is in building materials so many of the houses we live in are silicon based. It could be said that many of us live in large man made crystals, receiving and transmitting light energy. Good examples of these are churches and cathedrals. Flint is predominately silicon, as is sand, with limestone and sandstone having much silicon too. With their towering spires and buttresses they are magnificent semi conductors of Light energy, hence their amazing ability to receive and transmit Light, with the aid of Humanity, throughout the planet along the transmission (ley) lines as well as grounding this Light into the centre of the planet.

Have a beautiful Day !

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