Friday, 28 November 2008

We have a meditation group that meet twice a week (Tuesday at 12.00 & Thursday at 7pm - all are welcome - donation only) Last night we visited the energies of The Andromadean Star Council of Light with some metaphysical preparation work, what a gorgeous energy !

Here is a little more information on the beautiful energy that is Aquamarine !

As the planetary energies are ever increasing in speed and velocity, we are being guided to release that which does not serve our return to Light. On a global scale the relentless extraction of oil, climate change, challenging weather and the current difficulties in the financial markets are a good indicator that on a Higher level the Universe is orchestrating a release from this kind of old Piscean energy. As the banking institutions are understanding that their level of exposure is compromised by the complexity of their derivative trades, we, as humans, can begin to understand how by releasing our own complexities, we can realign with a Higher energy.

One of the most useful frequencies received and transmitted is the positive radio activity of the mineral Aquamarine which belongs to the beryl group. Its crystal system is hexagonal and traces of iron give it a blue/green look hence the name. Other beryl’s include emerald, morganite and heliodor (yellow/green) and are found all over the world including America, Brazil, Australia, Africa, India, Ireland, Mexico, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Russia. Perhaps when contemplating some of the challenges faced by these countries, tuning into aquamarine and sending loving energies, magnified by these stones would benefit communities in these regions.

Aquamarine can be used as a reminder that by clearing out all our physical baggage stuffed in our attics, garages, cellars and homes, we create clear channels of light within our silicon crystals (quartz) that are our homes. We can then release physical, emotional and mental baggage as well, that so often serve to keep us stuck with old memories generated by our attachment to the past. Aquamarine is one of the foremost stones of communication, and its energy is often used to interact with the frequency being transmitted from the throat and heart centres for both self awareness and communication with the Divine Feminine. It can also be used to harmonise the pituitary gland (third eye) with the thyroid (throat) balancing the hormones. Used with Larimar from the Dominican Republic it can facilitate connection with the ancient knowledge represented by dolphins ability to communicate through holographic thought forms, piggy backing onto sound waves, and then radio waves which is exactly how modern technology transmits television and radio. By transmitting holographic thought forms through visualisations, we can perhaps understand how these transmissions create the reality we then experience.

In the 14th century aquamarine was placed in a mortar and crushed into a very fine powder which was then used as an effective treatment of injuries to the eyeball. An elixir of aquamarine was also said to cure hiccups ! Crystal elixirs are still recommended today can be easily created by dropping tumble stones into bottles of mineral water.

So, if you want to clear out the mind, clear out the attic, clean the house, and release anything you don’t need . Take all the books to the library and if you want to read them again you know where they are !

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