Tuesday, 30 December 2008


At the start of some of my meditations, I quite often call upon the energies of particular Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Star Councils and Christed Extra Terrestrials.

On the basis that ultimately we are all One, then all these Higher Vibrational Beings can be seen to be Higher Aspects of ourselves. As we begin to meditate on a daily basis and create the perfect environment, through Loving Awareness, for our Soul to be welcomed and honoured, we can raise our vibration and in turn, the vibration of Planet Earth and its inhabitants.

I quite often call upon the energies of Archangel Michael, and, as part of some of my metaphysical preparations, I see him in all his (my) splendour, holding out a beautiful Kyanite sword of personal power. Seeing this sword as an amazing electric blue, perhaps like a light sabre, I take the offered sword and put it in my hilt to the side of my body. By creating this resonance within our energy field, we will find it so much easier to reclaim our personal power, rather than giving it away to other people, self sabotaging techniques or perhaps the merry go round of self defeating thoughts keeping us in a downward spiral of gloom ! Hold this sword aloft, claim this Loving Power of Light and Beauty and let no person or thing take away from us that which is for our highest and best good !

Kyanite is a wonderful frequency for aiding communication between loved ones, our lower and higher selves, inner and outer, conscious and sub conscious and helps bridge the gap of understanding through the expansion of the ability to communicate inter dimensionally, from a place of Love, Power and Wisdom. It is a friend of the throat centre and the third eye. In times of particularly challenging communications, it could be a wise idea to sit in Meditation with this beautiful frequency and, by setting our intention at the beginning, connecting with the Spirit of the stone, enable the barriers to be penetrated, the sub atomic particles of the seemingly negative alignment to be revealed in their gem like and rainbow beauty and see how this perfect set of circumstances is, in reality, a Loving combination, set before us to initiate us to a Higher level of awareness.

With Love



Thursday, 18 December 2008

Cathedral Tower, Bury St Edmunds

St Michael Line, through the Norman Arch, Bury St Edmunds,
Bury St Edmunds Cathedral

Ley lines..…'in a nutshell’

‘In a nutshell’ ? The smallest pub in Britain (The Nutshell in Bury St Edmunds) has been a centre of pilgrimage for many years but here, we are referring to the ancient Chinese art of creating miniature scenes in walnut shells and the ancient energies of the landscape of Bury St Edmunds. In perfect proportion, a forerunner to nano technology, the nutshell acts as a metaphor for the relationship between Humans & Earth, the microcosm of the macrocosm.

The Michael & Mary ley lines run from Cornwall in an essentially straight line through Glastonbury, Avebury, Bury and out to sea at Hopton. They were dowsed by Broadhurst & Miller in their book ‘The Sun & the Serpent’ discovering alignments with the Beltane Sunrise. Many of these sacred sites had temples & churches built there, some of which are dedicated to Michael (male) and Mary (female). In Bury, Mary travels down Abbeygate St & Abbey Gate, Michael down Churchgate Street, the Norman Arch & West front, ‘kissing’ in the crypt of the Abbey.

The Abbey site has been attracting humans by their electromagnetic fields & underground watercourses, this is one of the reasons why many of our churches are calm and peaceful places magnified by vibrations of prayer, singing and a love of God & Humanity. Like acupuncture needles stimulating our energy points, or crystals within our energy field, churches are doing the same with their towers, buttresses, windows and walls. Mainly constructed of silicon, (glass, sand or flint, & sand in limestone) receiving and transmitting light energy as large man made crystals and, when filled with people, this quartz will magnify the healing energy, transmitting it along the ley lines for the benefit of all.

Humans are conduits of energy & channelling this energy into earth leaves a footprint that can be discernable through dowsing. We could be seen as the semi conductors (a silicon chip) receiving and emitting light energy. If you want to feel the energies of these enormous crystals, visit your local church or cathedral !

Love Cosmo

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Herkimer Diamonds

Herkimer Diamonds take their name from an area in New York state. General Nicholas Herkimer, of German-American descent, a prominent land owner, fought during the American Revolution. They are referred to as ‘diamonds’ because of their shape and brilliance. The Mohawk Indians used these stones for trading, healing and ritual using them as attunement stones to attune themselves with others, their environment or activity. Herkimer style diamonds can be found in Mexico, Spain and Morocco.

Herkimers are a variety of quartz (silicon dioxide) with a hardness of 7.5, which is harder than most quartz varieties, and are fairly short, small and double terminated. Quite often they have black inclusions of carbon and can contain water. It is possible to go to New York state, visit the ‘mine’, hire a variety of tools and find your own. The stones themselves are located in what are known as vugs, or small caves. When these are discovered they can contain a few thousand ‘diamonds’ ranging in size from a few millimetres to up to 20 cm.

These crystals, are manifestations of pure, solidified spiritual light. They are one of the highest vibrational stones in existence and are ideal for use in layouts, dream work, meditation and balancing the energy field. They are also extremely good at magnifying the energies of other stones.

Herkimers, being electrical, can help activate any of the chakras, but are especially suitable in opening the brow and crown chakras. They are particularly well suited to creating inter dimensional doorways with their internal structure making them ideal for transmitting and receiving energy. Herkimers emanate the brightest crystal Light of the Divine Essence and wearing them can enable a constant connection to the higher spiritual domains. Angels are drawn to the pure etheric radiance of these stones, so where Angelic communication is sought, these can be used very effectively.

Herkimers are understood to still carry the Clear Vision from the Universal Logos. This means so much more than seeing clearly, it involves the highest possible connection into Light where there is no distortion from perceptions of limitation and helps transform ones vision beyond the physical, emotional and mental into perfect clarity and truth.

Love Cosmo XxX

Tuesday, 16 December 2008


Chrysocolla, a hydrous copper silicate, is formed through the oxidation of copper. Its chemical composition is copper, oxygen, silicon dioxide (quartz) and water. Its name is derived from two ancient Greek words, chrysos meaning gold and kolla meaning glue. Chrysocolla was used in ancient times as a soldering agent for gold. Gold is quite often found in chrysocolla hence it is used in the detection of gold veins when prospecting. It can be found throughout the world wherever gold and copper are present.

In alchemy, the transmutation of lead into gold was quite often used as a metaphor for the transmutation of 3rd dimensional human being into higher dimensional light through ascension. Chrysocolla could be seen to be part of the alchemical process by means of its ability to show us the importance of mindful communication. (St Edmund here in Bury was thought to have ascended by means of a shaft of light, which is one of the reasons that Bury St Edmunds has been a place of pilgrimage for many thousands of years). Another gift that Chrysocolla teaches is that of gentleness, teaching that genuine power best expresses itself through the heart.

Chrysocolla relates to the throat chakra, our main communication centre. The front relates to taking responsibility for our personal needs. The back of the throat chakra is related to a person’s sense of self within society. This centre is about speaking our truth, being true to our beliefs and speaking with love, regardless of what others may think. The stones energy helps translate our thoughts into words in a profound and heartfelt way.

Chrysocolla is also closely attuned with the vibration of the earth, linking heart, throat and base chakras. This is one of the reasons that chrysocolla is so effective in relation to singing and chanting as it grounds any excess energy.

At this time of human evolution, revising our ways of communication in accordance with the power of the spoken word, will go towards creating that which we think about most. The direct correlation between our thoughts, and therefore our words, and our reality is key in the realization that when we change our thought patterns we can change our reality, transmuting fear into love and creating joy and harmony. Chrysocolla can remind us of this response ability. It can aid us in aligning the sacred sound of our voice with the Heart of the Universe.

With Love



Sunday, 14 December 2008


Over a quarter of our planet is made up of silicon, a wonderful mineral used as a semi conductor of light energy in the form of silicon chips in all our modern technology. Whenever we go to a sandy beach, look through a glass window, visit a peaceful church or switch on our computer, we are experiencing the energy of silicon dioxide or quartz as it is more commonly known.

When we use quartz within our energy field, with intent, we can extract negative energies, input positive ones, break up stagnancy, and help magnify the root causes of ailments and disease. At this time of planet earths accelerated evolution, quartz is one of the key tools to aid in the healing, balancing and strengthening of the etheric field. This field is a fine matrix of light energy surrounding and permeating our physical body. If we find it difficult being grounded into this 3rd dimensional reality, it could be that we have a blockage within our energy field preventing us being pure conduits of Light ( Love). With crystal energy therapy, the first place we look for these kinds of blocks are within the etheric field. As we begin to channel more Light, through this relentless acceleration of planetary energies, any blockages will be increasingly difficult to ignore. Like any electrical circuit, if Light (or electricity, for it is the same) cannot be grounded then it can cause a short circuit in the form of a tear or blockage in the etheric . This in turn can result in physical difficulties and cause us to give our power away…literally and metaphorically…. By using a pendulum to dowse and locate these tears, we can extract any negatives energies with candle quartz, input positive ones with clear quartz and stitch up the tears using a laser quartz point. In this way we can strengthen the etheric before continuing with balancing the rest of the energy vortices and corresponding subtle bodies.

We can also magnify our intent and manifestations by ‘programming’ quartz. By sitting and meditating with a piece of quartz and having a clear vision of what we want to manifest and holding that vision within the quartz, we can magnify the frequencies required for successful co creation. Quartz can also be used to increase the power of the frequency of any other crystal.

One of the main uses of quartz is in building materials so many of the houses we live in are silicon based. It could be said that many of us live in large man made crystals, receiving and transmitting light energy. Good examples of these are churches and cathedrals. Flint is predominately silicon, as is sand, with limestone and sandstone having much silicon too. With their towering spires and buttresses they are magnificent semi conductors of Light energy, hence their amazing ability to receive and transmit Light, with the aid of Humanity, throughout the planet along the transmission (ley) lines as well as grounding this Light into the centre of the planet.
With Love

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Ethiopian Fire Opals

As one can see from the beauty and brilliance of colour in the picture above, Opals have the most amazing ability to refract Light in the most gorgeous way possible ! It is easy to see the connection between this beauty and Love energy and the beauty and Love energy that is the incoming Soul Over Lighting the Personality Self. Opals have the ability to align the Root, Heart and Crown Chakra's enabling this flow of Light through the Human conduit to be grounded into Planet earth and transmitted to all other beings throughout the Universe.

The Australian Aborigines felt that the Stars, Universe and Love energy was governed by an enormous intergalactic Opal. Whilst this may seem a little outlandish to 3rd dimensional thinking, it may not actually be so far fetched.

The reason that Opals are able to refract Light so colourfully and brilliantly is because of their crystalline structure. They are formed when Silicon acid gel solidifies by loss of water, forming microscopic spheres of silicon dioxide (quartz) bonded together by hydrogen and oxygen (water) and gas. Some opals will fade over a relatively short period of time as the water evaporates causing cracking and loss of brilliance. Quartz, in turn, is made up of submicroscopic spiralling helix tetrahedrons (the platonic solid representing the Divine Spark and Fire) of silicon and oxygen. When these spheres (and tetrahedron prisms) are in alignment, this Light is refracted creating beauty that can only be equated with Love. It is this Love energy that the macro cosmic Opal in the Universe is reflected in the microcosmic Opal that we can see before us.

It is this affinity and direct resonance with Source that has given credence to the idea that Opals are able to transform seemingly negative vibrations into positive ones enabling the energy field of anyone coming into contact with this frequency to come into harmonic resonance with The Rays of Light being transmitted from the Sacred Planets.

It is fitting that the country that many believe to be entrusted with the safekeeping of The Ark of The Covenant should also be the source of such Enlightened stones.

With Love and Blessings

Cosmo Verner


Monday, 8 December 2008

Rose Quartz

As our Gorgeous Planet continues to be bombarded with the most amazing Love energy, Rose quartz, being the crystal of unconditional Love, not just for friends, family and children, but for humanity as a whole, is a reminder that we are all connected. This Love energy also connects us to the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms, the earth and the entire universe. It is a reflection of the Universe’s Love for us all and reminds us that we are all part of the whole, the oneness. The frequency of this stone interacts with the frequency of the human energy field, releasing any deeply held feelings of distrust and enabling the transmission of a more loving and compassionate vibration. This transmission then directly affects the inevitable reception of Joy, promoting an experience of Love energy.

Rose quartz activates the heart chakra and also opens the nurturing connections between the human heart, the earth’s heart and the heart of the universe helping us to feel whole, perfect and complete. The energy of Rose Quartz helps dissolve any feelings of separation or mistrust. When we release negative emotions or any feelings and relationships that no longer serve our highest and best good, we become clearer channels of light which enables us to raise our energy vibration and the vibration of the planet as a whole.

The energy of Rose Quartz helps release tension and stress as it calms and cleanses the auric field and subtle bodies. Its Love vibrations enable human cells to be reprogrammed with joy and happiness and may be programmed to help clear toxins in the cells of the body and to promote the release of impurities. It has been used in the treatment of vertigo and can help with disorders of the kidneys and adrenal glands. As an elixir (imbibing the energy of water with rose quartz), it can be used to clear the complexion and soften the skin. Why not pop a rose quartz tumble into your bottle of mineral water ?

Gridding ones office or work place with rose quartz (placing a small piece in each corner of the office and visualising a beam of light between them) may help bond its occupants together, creating a loving and cooperative work environment.. Gridding ones bedroom or house with rose quartz will help create a loving and harmonious atmosphere.

When combined with Moldavite, rose quartz can effect spiritual transformation and as we evolve, our energetic centre moves from the solar plexus centre to the heart chakra (we shift from being will based to love focused). We can then maximise the Hearts’ potential as the strongest generator of light in the body. Combining rose quartz with a grounding stone such as black tourmaline helps us to anchor divine love onto earth for the benefit of the whole.

Next time you have a bath, why not place a few pieces of Rose Quartz in it, visualising the bath water as a nurturing and Loving elixir, sparkling the human body with an energy of Harmony and Light.

Love and Blessings

Cosmo Verner


Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Platonic Solids (In a nutshell !)
There are generally thought to be 5 platonic solids which go to making up the building blocks of the Universe, the idea being that if you break down The Universe into its constituent parts, you would end up with these 5 shapes, esoterically speaking. In my previous entry we created the octahedron and expanded it around us creating the energy of The Higher Mind and Knowledge, we can do this with all the other Platonic Solids too. Over eons of time these 5 shapes that go to make up our Being as well as all Energy, can get distorted, so by bringing these shapes into our consciousness, the perfection of these shapes can be restored to their former glory, leaving us whole and balanced. Also, if we are experiencing difficulties in a particular area , we can call on specific shapes to help us work through the problem.
The Cube or hexahedron, for example, having 6 sides, represents the element of Earth and helps remind us of the importance of strong foundations and can help connect us with all other beings on this planet as we all share the same Earth. If we are feeling ungrounded, another technique that may help would be to create a hexahedron and spin it with each point within our Golden Sphere of Light as before.
The Tetrahedron, having 4 sides, represents the element of Fire and the purification that fire can bring. It also represents the Divine spark of Light that we are. All our modern technology relies on the ability of the silicon chip to conduct Light as a semi conductor, well, quartz is silicon dioxide (one silicon to two oxygen) and this is one of the reasons that quartz is used to magnify healing energy or conduct Light in Crystal Energy Therapy. It is also interesting that quartz is made up of a helix of spiralling tetrahedrons, just like our DNA. A spinning tetrahedron around our energy field may help us become aware of our Higher Self, our Source and the Spark of Divine Light that we are.
The Icosahedron, having 20 sides, represents the element of water. It is a very cooling and calming energy and can help where fluidity and spontaneity is required. It can also help remind us that, once again, we are all connected through the water that we share, the Oceans and seas, the flow of the rivers. We are essentially reliant on water to act as a semi conductor for our Souls Light in the sense that our Human body is predominantly water.
The Dodecahedron, (main picture) having 12 sides, represents the element of Ether and The Universe. It can also help with discipleship or discipline and our connection with our Monadic Group. Again it can be a reminder that we are all connected etherically with The Group Consciousness and are indeed all One and Loved unconditionally by The Universe !
Love and Blessings
Cosmo Verner

Having established our grounding meditation on 1st December, we can now extend this visualisation by taking our attention to our Pineal Gland in the centre of our head and seeing a shaft of light connecting to the Alta Major at the back of our neck and then connecting with our pituitary gland at our third eye, connecting with our pineal again visualising a triangle of creation. Holding our attention within this womb of manifestation we can visualise a small octahedron, a back to back pyramid or a diamond shape (see photo above of fluorite octahedron's) and, seeing this shape in our 'minds eye' we can see it moving down to our Throat centre, through to our Higher Heart and into our Heart Centre.

Now we can expand this octahedron and expand some more and see it expand over our physical body and see it sit within the Golden Sphere of Light we have created earlier, seeing each tip sitting perfectly within the sphere and seeing ourselves sitting within it. Next, we can sound three Oms and as we do so we can visualise the octahedron spinning on its axis within the Golden Sphere...after the 3 Oms sit quietly and soak up the Higher Vibrational energy available.

If we are wanting clarity on a situation or experience, now would be a really good time to seek it.

The Octahedron is one of the platonic solids and it represents the Element of Air or Higher Knowledge and reminds us that we all breath from the same Source, another reminder that we are all One. Fluorite Octahedrons represent Self Discipline, Clarity, are effective for learning new information and help create Order from Chaos. Although they can be cleaved, they grow in this shape, as do some diamonds, magnetites and spinels.

With Love and Blessings

Cosmo Verner XxX

Monday, 1 December 2008

A few people have requested a simple grounding and connection meditation
Connecting with Your Higher Self

Centre in your Heart and see a beautiful sphere of emerald green Light, seeing a shaft of light connecting your Heart with your Higher Heart and seeing a sphere of fuscia pink light in this position

See a shaft of light connect your Higher Heart with your throat centre and see a sphere of turquoise Light, then connecting your throat centre to the Alta Major at the back of your neck and see a sphere of white Light here

Connect the Alta Major with the third eye at the front of your forehead just above and between your eye brows and see a sphere of indigo blue light

Connect the third eye with the Pineal gland (the base of the crown chakra) in the centre of your head seeing the pineal gland as an open eye facing up into The Universe surrounded by a beautiful Violet sphere.

Connect the pineal gland with the causal chakra a few inches above and at the back of the head seeing another sphere of Golden Light, then connecting with the Soul Star chakra 6 or 8 inches above this seeing a larger sphere of Golden Light, expanding this sphere to about the size of your head and now connecting with the Stellar Gateway a few inches above this, before projecting this shaft of Light through the ceiling into the floor above and out through the sky, the higher atmosphere, through space and time connecting with our Source of Light perhaps seen as a beautiful sphere of Golden Rainbow Light, like our Sun in the sky

Calling upon Angels and guides for direction and guidance setting your intent for this meditation…. Bringing down this Light through space and time through your higher chakras and back into your heart centre before continuing down to your Solar plexus and seeing a beautiful sphere of Golden Yellow Light down to your Sacral Chakra seeing a vibrant orange sphere of Light and down to your root chakra with a Golden red sphere of Light before connecting with the Earth star chakra beneath your feet and the Earth Vortex chakra a couple of feet below that. Seeing this shaft of Light penetrating through the earth, the chalk and the Earths crust seeing Planet Earth as a hollow earth with an amazing sphere that is the Central Sun of Pranic Energy suspended in the middle of the Planet….as above…so below….. feel this connection with You, a conduit of Light, connecting with Source and connecting with the Pranic Centre of The Planet…

And now continuing this shaft of Light through the centre of the Planet and through to the opposite side from where you are now, through the Earths crust again, through the quartz and the sand and the sea imagining a beautiful Fountain of Light emerging from the Planet, travelling 360 degrees around the Globe up to the equator, into the Northern Hemisphere approaching your crown from all directions before travelling back down through your Crown Centre back into the centre of the planet seeing this flow of energy as a continuous stream of Light…
Taking your attention to your root chakra and the Earth Star and the Earth Vortex and seeing this Light creating another fountain, making a sphere of Golden Light around your energy field and back down through your crown.