Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Having established our grounding meditation on 1st December, we can now extend this visualisation by taking our attention to our Pineal Gland in the centre of our head and seeing a shaft of light connecting to the Alta Major at the back of our neck and then connecting with our pituitary gland at our third eye, connecting with our pineal again visualising a triangle of creation. Holding our attention within this womb of manifestation we can visualise a small octahedron, a back to back pyramid or a diamond shape (see photo above of fluorite octahedron's) and, seeing this shape in our 'minds eye' we can see it moving down to our Throat centre, through to our Higher Heart and into our Heart Centre.

Now we can expand this octahedron and expand some more and see it expand over our physical body and see it sit within the Golden Sphere of Light we have created earlier, seeing each tip sitting perfectly within the sphere and seeing ourselves sitting within it. Next, we can sound three Oms and as we do so we can visualise the octahedron spinning on its axis within the Golden Sphere...after the 3 Oms sit quietly and soak up the Higher Vibrational energy available.

If we are wanting clarity on a situation or experience, now would be a really good time to seek it.

The Octahedron is one of the platonic solids and it represents the Element of Air or Higher Knowledge and reminds us that we all breath from the same Source, another reminder that we are all One. Fluorite Octahedrons represent Self Discipline, Clarity, are effective for learning new information and help create Order from Chaos. Although they can be cleaved, they grow in this shape, as do some diamonds, magnetites and spinels.

With Love and Blessings

Cosmo Verner XxX

1 comment:

ems said...

Thank you,thank you! It is of great comfort to have this, your, wisdom and guidance so close to hand, dear Cosmo. Love and Light, Ems x