There are generally thought to be 5 platonic solids which go to making up the building blocks of the Universe, the idea being that if you break down The Universe into its constituent parts, you would end up with these 5 shapes, esoterically speaking. In my previous entry we created the octahedron and expanded it around us creating the energy of The Higher Mind and Knowledge, we can do this with all the other Platonic Solids too. Over eons of time these 5 shapes that go to make up our Being as well as all Energy, can get distorted, so by bringing these shapes into our consciousness, the perfection of these shapes can be restored to their former glory, leaving us whole and balanced. Also, if we are experiencing difficulties in a particular area , we can call on specific shapes to help us work through the problem.
The Cube or hexahedron, for example, having 6 sides, represents the element of Earth and helps remind us of the importance of strong foundations and can help connect us with all other beings on this planet as we all share the same Earth. If we are feeling ungrounded, another technique that may help would be to create a hexahedron and spin it with each point within our Golden Sphere of Light as before.
The Tetrahedron, having 4 sides, represents the element of Fire and the purification that fire can bring. It also represents the Divine spark of Light that we are. All our modern technology relies on the ability of the silicon chip to conduct Light as a semi conductor, well, quartz is silicon dioxide (one silicon to two oxygen) and this is one of the reasons that quartz is used to magnify healing energy or conduct Light in Crystal Energy Therapy. It is also interesting that quartz is made up of a helix of spiralling tetrahedrons, just like our DNA. A spinning tetrahedron around our energy field may help us become aware of our Higher Self, our Source and the Spark of Divine Light that we are.
The Icosahedron, having 20 sides, represents the element of water. It is a very cooling and calming energy and can help where fluidity and spontaneity is required. It can also help remind us that, once again, we are all connected through the water that we share, the Oceans and seas, the flow of the rivers. We are essentially reliant on water to act as a semi conductor for our Souls Light in the sense that our Human body is predominantly water.
The Dodecahedron, (main picture) having 12 sides, represents the element of Ether and The Universe. It can also help with discipleship or discipline and our connection with our Monadic Group. Again it can be a reminder that we are all connected etherically with The Group Consciousness and are indeed all One and Loved unconditionally by The Universe !
Love and Blessings
Cosmo Verner
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