Saturday, 13 December 2008

Ethiopian Fire Opals

As one can see from the beauty and brilliance of colour in the picture above, Opals have the most amazing ability to refract Light in the most gorgeous way possible ! It is easy to see the connection between this beauty and Love energy and the beauty and Love energy that is the incoming Soul Over Lighting the Personality Self. Opals have the ability to align the Root, Heart and Crown Chakra's enabling this flow of Light through the Human conduit to be grounded into Planet earth and transmitted to all other beings throughout the Universe.

The Australian Aborigines felt that the Stars, Universe and Love energy was governed by an enormous intergalactic Opal. Whilst this may seem a little outlandish to 3rd dimensional thinking, it may not actually be so far fetched.

The reason that Opals are able to refract Light so colourfully and brilliantly is because of their crystalline structure. They are formed when Silicon acid gel solidifies by loss of water, forming microscopic spheres of silicon dioxide (quartz) bonded together by hydrogen and oxygen (water) and gas. Some opals will fade over a relatively short period of time as the water evaporates causing cracking and loss of brilliance. Quartz, in turn, is made up of submicroscopic spiralling helix tetrahedrons (the platonic solid representing the Divine Spark and Fire) of silicon and oxygen. When these spheres (and tetrahedron prisms) are in alignment, this Light is refracted creating beauty that can only be equated with Love. It is this Love energy that the macro cosmic Opal in the Universe is reflected in the microcosmic Opal that we can see before us.

It is this affinity and direct resonance with Source that has given credence to the idea that Opals are able to transform seemingly negative vibrations into positive ones enabling the energy field of anyone coming into contact with this frequency to come into harmonic resonance with The Rays of Light being transmitted from the Sacred Planets.

It is fitting that the country that many believe to be entrusted with the safekeeping of The Ark of The Covenant should also be the source of such Enlightened stones.

With Love and Blessings

Cosmo Verner


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